3DISC Interviews

Scanning is Child’s Play with the Heron IOS…

How Marie-Laure Pochon would like to make 3DISC the Apple of the Dentist World

(French media interview)

             2023-01-19 – Laure Croiset

Marie-Laure Pochon, CEO of 3DISC (with English subtitles)

An individual’s teeth often reflect their personality

Marie-Laure Pochon, CEO of 3DISC is the guest of the Talk Décideurs du Figaro.

LE TALK DECIDEURS DU FIGARO Marie-Laure Pochon : «Les dents d’un individu reflètent souvent sa personnalité»

3Disc plans to become the world leader in the digital dental market

Marie-Laure Pochon , CEO 3DISC

On Monday, July 18, Marie-Laure Pochon, CEO and main shareholder of 3Disc, looked at 3Disc, a medtech specialist in dental scanners, as well as the impact of teleworking and videoconferencing that have boosted the surgery and dental care market, on Good Morning Business, hosted by Stéphane Pedrazzi.


Good Morning Business

On Monday, July 18, Franck Sebag, partner at EY, Marie-Laure Pochon, CEO and main shareholder of 3Disc, and Mingpo Cai, president of the Cathay Capital fund, were the guests on Good Morning Business presented by Stéphane Pedrazzi. Good Morning Business is to be seen or listened to from Monday to Friday on BFM Business.

3DISC: a technology that has become French

Each program opens with an interview with a tech player at the forefront of innovation. He describes the latest developments in his sector and talks about the problems he faces.

Smart Tech de BSMARTDentaire : une techno devenue française


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