Jusqu’à maintenant, les scanners intra-oraux n’ont jamais été positionnés au centre de la clinique. 3DISC réinvente le concept avec OVO, offrant une synergie d’intégration parfaite entre les dentistes, les patients et les laboratoires.
Principaux Avantages
Profondeur de scan
Le plus petit & plus léger
Emouts autoclavables
Rotation à
pour un scan complet de l'arcade

"Une solution tout-en-un pour les images 2D et les scans 3D."
Que dit-on de nous ?

Dr Adolfo Lopez, Brazil
"Scan and Tell has become an incredible means of communication between me and the patient. I utilize it for diagnosis, planning, and finalizing cases. It serves as a crucial strategy to convey information clearly and directly, ensuring the patient comprehends their oral situation and can adhere to the treatment plan"

Dr Alberto Mori, Italy
"Scan&Tell has transformed my daily clinical visits. I consistently incorporate it in my initial appointments to visually assess and explain any dental issues directly to the patient, just as I observe them in the mouth. Patients highly value this form of communication, finding it easy to comprehend the diagnosis and willingly accepting the treatment plan."

Dr Thomas Docherty, Scotland
"I find the software very easy to use and having the support of the team in Paris is a great asset, especially when the support gives me great clinical tricks and tips, which safe me time and money and deliver happier patients. My HeronIOS has paid for itself already, in only a few days. If anyone is 'teetering' on the edge of purchasing and wants to speak to me about my experiences using my HeronIOS, I would be happy to talk with anyone!"

Dr Fatma Hedhli, Tunisia
"Scan & Tell helps me explain the necessity of certain treatments that may not seem necessary from the patient's perspective. It assists me in explaining the diagnostic process and helps building a relationship of commitment and trust with my patients."

Dr Fernanda Arellano, Mexico
"Scan&Tell has enhanced the efficiency and precision of oral rehabilitation procedures, simplifying them and making them more predictable and reproducible."

Dr Raees Tanzeem, UK
"I've had the pleasure of using the 3disc IOS Heron and now OVO since a very long time. I've seen the R&D department of the company make huge leaps when it comes to the betterment of the software and technology. I must say Scan&Tell is by far the most patient interaction” development I've seen, and it really helps with not just treatment acceptance but also educating the patients about their dental situation. Well done 3disc!"
Avec Scan&Tell, un seul scan 3D vous permet de présenter
un plan de traitement personnalisé à votre patient en un temps record.

Avec un ensemble complet d’outils numériques, 3DiscClinic guide le dentiste vers une
prise d’empreinte optimale, rassurant le dentiste
au quotidien, et garantit ainsi le confort du patient et la précision des restaurations, des plus simples aux cas les plus sévères.
- Communication fluide en un seul clic entre les cliniques et les laboratoires
- Options d’export flexibles dans de multiples formats tels que STL, OBJ, PLY
- Fully integrated open CAD/CAM systems (DWOS, exocad, etc.)
- Systèmes CAD/CAM ouverts entièrement intégrés (DWOS, Exocad, etc.)
Avec Scan&Tell, un seul scan 3D vous permet de présenter un plan de traitement personnalisé à votre patient immédiatement.
Scan&Tell sélectionne automatiquement les images 2D idéales à partir de votre scan 3D, rationalisant le processus pour créer un plan de traitement instantanément, et ainsi aider le patient à adherer pleinement au traitement proposé.